Клиника Alanda clinic в Temirtaw

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КазахстанКлиника Alanda clinic



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7/4б, Avenue of the Metallurgists, 101400, Temirtaw, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7213 91 59 56
Веб-сайт: alandaclinic.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.0618215, Longitude: 72.9706106

Комментарии 5

  • Диана Лямина

    Диана Лямина


    Reception: complete failure. Dear management of the clinic in Temirtau, please, replace the receptionists - boorish, rude, complete lack of the concept of ethics. Providing inaccurate information regarding appointments, doctors, etc. They completely discourage all desire to come for diagnostics. At least 5 minutes of mediation before entering. It is unrealistic to ignore this behavior of your staff. Take an example from the reception in the city of Karaganda (the girls are like a selection: polite, courteous, everything is on business, smart girls). Therapist, pediatrician, gynecologists, uzist, ENT: wonderful specialists, top class, competently administer and prescribe the right treatment that really works.

  • Татьяна Чичирко

    Татьяна Чичирко


    February 11th Hello everybody ! I wanted to fill the gap in the reviews about the gynecological department of the Alanda Clinic. For life reasons, I could not come for treatment to this clinic for a long time. And now, understanding that waiting is more dangerous, the symptoms of the disease progressed, I decided to urgently make an appointment with the doctor, I was booked to the registry by a call to the doctor Goroshko Galina Mikhailovna. I arrived, paid for the appointment, and the doctor who was understanding was waiting for me in the office Things, quickly and without delay, explained to me the state of affairs and spoke about the appointment of an urgent operation, we quickly performed ECG, tests and so on, and here I am at the operation. Everything is professional! Without stress, I did not even have time to understand what was happening in real life. The doctor is an anesthetist, clearly a high-class specialist, nurses of the operative unit, everything is affectionate, and here I am after the operation in the ward. The doctors are constantly monitoring, the doctor on duty Saule Serikovna, the ultrasound doctor, are very positive. Unobtrusive, but cyclically observed nurses, thanks to the girls, you are doing your job professionally and efficiently, I wrote out promptly and never had time to get to know you all. Dr. Galina Mikhailovna, separate human thanks. You are a DOCTOR, in the full sense of the word. With a good heart and light hands, which led to a speedy recovery. Maybe someone will say it is expensive and so on, maybe it is, but after the operation on the third day I’m on the train, I’m going home, nothing bothers me, it’s happiness for me! Dear women, if something hurts, don’t wait, run faster , take care of yourself. P.S. Dear Galina Mikhailovna, don’t be ill, patients really need you! I know for sure that everyone who is unfortunately ill will be sent by me to you and to the Alanda clinic. Balkhash, January 27 to January 30, Your grateful patient.

  • Светлана Нечесова

    Светлана Нечесова


  • Да Нет

    Да Нет


    It is necessary to change urgently in this clinic the administrator who answers the phone calls. The stain is dull. Hamka. Also deaf. Speaks always are not accurate information and people from the other end of the city go to then hear we do not have such a doctor

  • Erkanat Kokeev

    Erkanat Kokeev


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