Klinika Aygerim в Aktobe

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




КазахстанKlinika Aygerim



🕗 время открытия

7/1, Patsayev Street, 030012, Aktobe, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7132 90 51 00
Веб-сайт: www.aigerim.info
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.2987449, Longitude: 57.148672

Комментарии 5

  • Айнур Косжашнова

    Айнур Косжашнова


    Ultrasound diagnosis is very long! Don't go back in time! Someone in between sent in! I waited for 2 hours! It would be nice to see! Bad luck!

  • Arman Tulegenov

    Arman Tulegenov


    It upsets that at the specified time you can not go on time. I recommend the administration to work out this moment. Physician therapist Zhakiev Zh.A. I examined my mother, what can I say: I asked everything, noted everything on my computer, measured the pressure, measured the temperature, measured the oxygen in the blood, examined the oral cavity, listened to the lungs. He said that angina is also considered a coronavirus, the doctor certainly made me laugh. On the other hand, hearing this is certainly not pleasant. It’s somehow scary, because I myself was sick with pneumonia, and I know what my condition was at the time of my illness. We will be treated as directed by a doctor. I will add the result. 08/09/2021 I am complementing the result, after the treatment my mother became much worse, now my mother is in an infectious diseases hospital, the attending physician says that the appointment of a doctor, Mr. Zhakiev, was useless, or rather not correct. I can’t blame someone for the wrong treatment initially, but I’m not getting to this specialist anymore.

  • Дмитрий Сергеев

    Дмитрий Сергеев


    Good day! 07/06/21 was registered with the ENT doctor Isentaeva Gulmira Sharafatdinovna. I went on time, the doctor and the nurse were friendly and caring, treated like a dear friend! I came with acute otitis media where there was already an abscess, in a semi-fainting state. The procedure was carried out very quickly and with high quality, treatment was prescribed, I went to them for dressings on the 7th and 8th, the second appointment was on July 12th. On the same day, on the 6th, I was able to sleep and eat. What good fellows! Brought me back to life! Very, very happy! Health and prosperity to Gulmira and girls! In the treatment room, too, are smart, the injections are not even felt! I think the management of the clinic will pay attention to this review! They really helped me! Thanks again to Gulmira Sharafatdinovna! Respectfully yours, Sergeeva Maria Sergeevna!

  • Madina Toktamisova

    Madina Toktamisova


    What did you do to the court? Whatsapp dom tel telegram? If they can't answer ....

  • Замира Мухаммеджан

    Замира Мухаммеджан


    I was at a neurosurgeon doctor V. Kenzhebaev, the doctor was not interested in the patient's question, at the reception even the computer was not turned on, the picture on the disk said that he could not see it, because there was no disk drive, he did not ask anything and did not even read the CT conclusion and was even asked then what did I pay the money for ??? There is no attitude towards the patient, I do not recommend this clinic, but the clinic's management needs to carry out checks and improve the quality of service!

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