Ozdorovitel'nyy Tsentr Kuanysh в Aktobe

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КазахстанOzdorovitel'nyy Tsentr Kuanysh



🕗 время открытия

101 strelkovaya brigada Street, 030001, Aktobe, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7132 51 21 65
Веб-сайт: ockuanysh.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.2871484, Longitude: 57.1642864

Комментарии 5

  • ruslan 349

    ruslan 349


    Good doctors and nurses, but bad reception (young rude girls). And further. Come to the X-ray, it is better to leave other dklv for later. You won't be in time anyway

  • A.N



    Awful clinic, I don't recommend it to anyone. At first I could not get through, I had to call back several times. The girl at the reception called the wrong office, I waited 2.5 hours to find out that I had to go to another therapist. The queues are kilometer long, people sit in the office for 40 minutes. The therapists themselves are absolutely incompetent, they hardly understood what I was telling them, and they themselves could not explain anything to me. I give 1 star, you can find a better clinic.

  • Azamat Bagatov

    Azamat Bagatov


    Today I called Kuanysh, but the cardiologist Eralieva Almazhan Zhetkergenovna is not there. It turned out that she quit. I barely found 101 in the Invivo clinic. There is no one to go there. They hung up and wanted to ask where she was. The smartest cardiologist. Thanks to her, I am alive.

  • Ayazhan Akhmetova

    Ayazhan Akhmetova


    I came by appointment, the female employee at the door did not let me in. I only came in when I started asking again why I was standing in line and why they could not start me. Also at the reception they say NOT CLEARLY and it is not clear what, how and where. I had to ask again 5 times until they yelled at me. At the same time, at the age of 22, I can hear well, etc. The girl at the reception responds with hatred, a kind of indifference and passive aggression. As if I owe her something in this life or hurt her and her family. And not only they answered me this way, but also other clients. Worse than government clinics in general. 1 star only because of the attitude towards customers. Doctors of the norms.

  • Mira 1

    Mira 1


    The doors were closed because of the red zone. All visitors are kept on the street, on the street where there are no conditions even to stand. Today, it's 45 degrees outside, sick and healthy people, not keeping their distance, stand at the door fearing to miss their turn. The results of CT scan give 2 days, the film in general for 3 days, as if you went through for free ... the attendants are not competent and rude! The call center gives out incorrect information, dictates some numbers and says: "call there and find out" The mockery is complete! I feel sorry for people

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