Клиника Caspian Medical i Atyrau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanКлиника Caspian Medical


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3VRM+R95, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7122 50 03 03
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Latitude: 47.0920015, Longitude: 51.8834901

kommentar 5

  • Азамат Тулкибаев

    Азамат Тулкибаев


    Incompetent workers. 07/24/2021 in the morning I call the clinic at the number indicated on my Instagram page and ask if you wanted to go through the form 075 today is Saturday you work or not? She tells me yes we work, you can come in the morning. And what happened, you want to know? I went there in the morning, then I go to the reception and ask again if I wanted to undergo a medical examination and the Russian girl who was sitting said to me no today is Saturday, medical examination only on weekdays. I stand here with an incomprehensible face and ask the question why then when I clarified on the phone they answered yes, but now no? How to understand this? I ask who answered me do not know? She simply answered no, I do not know. I just walked away then I was so mad I can’t convey in words. What kind of attitude towards clients is just tough. I wanted to get high-quality medical services for money, but they can't even tell truthful information.

  • Kazbek Jakubaliev

    Kazbek Jakubaliev


    terrible clinic I do not recommend!

  • Инжу Нурланкызы

    Инжу Нурланкызы


    Wait a little while you go! And the pediatrician is a Grubian! Thank you to the therapist!

  • Акзия Табылганова

    Акзия Табылганова


    We are guests of this city. I recommended this clinic. Accepted an application for a house, all is well. The doctor as a person is excellent, but what we have been prescribed in the annotations does not suit infants. I had to turn to a pediatrician in Almaty.

  • Meiramgul Bukayeva

    Meiramgul Bukayeva


    The administrators are rude, they let people who are impressed by themselves out of turn, stayed in the queue for 50 minutes because of the incompetence of the administrators, we ask you to take measures, recall in the person of three employees

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