Клиника дентальной имплантации Асыл i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanКлиника дентальной имплантации Асыл



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42, Qabanbay Batyr Avenue, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 68 44 49
internet side: www.asyl-clinic.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.1193933, Longitude: 71.4141227

kommentar 5

  • Анара Сулейманова

    Анара Сулейманова


    I have a positive impression of the clinic, everything is fine. Clean, the administrators are benevolent, smiling. I came with pain, the pain was removed, I am satisfied. The doctor is a professional, friendly person, told me everything, made recommendations. I was already twice at the reception, in a week I will go again.

  • Мария Сергеевна

    Мария Сергеевна


    Dentistry has been greatly developed. I am a representative of the older generation. For us, going to the dentist was a real torture, a test of courage. And now I look forward to when you will take me implantation! 😀 Bota Serikkanovna, we appreciate your care for patients and a high level of qualification, courtesy of staff!

  • Айгуль Казбек

    Айгуль Казбек


    I want to express my deepest gratitude and deep gratitude to the professional, a talented implantologist, a doctor from God BOTA SERICANOVNA and the WHOLE TEAM of Asyl Clinic. I have been served in this clinic for more than 6 years and have never regretted it, because the best and most highly qualified specialists work in Asyl !!!! I wish the clinic prosperity, to be and always be the first, to please us with the latest treatment methods !!! ❤️

  • Сауле Дуйсенбиева

    Сауле Дуйсенбиева


    Ilya Alexandrovich, good evening! Every day I remember you with great gratitude 🙏. All and Bot Serikkanovna, and you, and Ruslan. I was afraid to write right away, well, now three days have passed, I think it is possible. You did your job expertly 👍🏻. The first day my new teeth were tapped a little. Now there is no discomfort. I do not bite anything - neither gums, nor tongue. The diction is normal. Virtually no problem. I put on a cap every night, everything is cool too. I thought there would be trouble with them. Nothing like this. I understand that this is all thanks to your work, professionalism and care about your business. In a word Thank you 🙏. Let everything come back handsomely to you and your family.

  • Камила Оспанова

    Камила Оспанова


    Good dental clinic. This is not the first time I have come and I am always satisfied with the visit. Dentistry is very bright and comfortable. The reception is always very warmly greeted by polite and friendly staff. Good competent doctors.

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