La Villa i Теміртау

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanLa Villa



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улица Мичурина, 100000, Теміртау, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 701 490 5222
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.8037015, Longitude: 73.0705545

kommentar 5

  • Nur N

    Nur N


    Today I visited the sauna from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., I am not very happy. We did not have time to swim once, this is where 30 minutes, then the water was cold until 19 00. I myself (birthday girl) did not have time to wash my hair. I was uncomfortable in front of the guests, for the lack of hot water. How many years I go to the city’s saunas, this is the first time.

  • Tatyana Khassanova

    Tatyana Khassanova


    Comfort and aesthetics, delicious breakfast and cleanliness. I really want to put the high 5 points, but there is still something to work with the staff. I recommend to put a call at the reception. This will allow guests to call the administrator, if necessary, to be at a loss to wait at the counter and look around. I recommend the security service to remember that they are very fit to face and the guests are watching over the guards. And very disappointed to see your colleague smoke and spit in the urn. We also expect the observance of basic norms of etiquette for a beautiful appearance. The place is beautiful and hotel guests are mostly foreign families. I am pleased to look here again.

  • Askar Akshalov

    Askar Akshalov


    Great design, cuisine, service!

  • Michalis Orfanakis

    Michalis Orfanakis


    Very good hotel

  • Daniyar Mustafin

    Daniyar Mustafin



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