Magnum ATAK i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanMagnum ATAK



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8/1, Iliyas Zhansugiruly Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 727 339 1377
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.1601559, Longitude: 71.4827773

kommentar 5

  • Маржан Идрисова

    Маржан Идрисова


    Магнум, где все есть и все рядом. Мне очень нравится. Широкий ассортимент.

  • Solnyshko Kazashka

    Solnyshko Kazashka


    Large store, correspondingly large assortment. Everything is. Of course, with a yellow label, I try to attract the attention of buyers, although these are discounted prices and their own price. Therefore, do not be fooled, in all magnums this is the case. Buyers, first carefully look at the prices in the labels, if there is a discount, then the old price should be crossed out and next to the new price should be indicated. Yellow Labels THIS IS A CLEAN MARKETING STROKE OF MAGNUM. And always pay attention to the old price, sometimes it happens that the new price is more expensive than the old one😅 In general, the store is not bad, the stock is good

  • Валерий Горбачёв

    Валерий Горбачёв


    Large modern store. Large parking. A lot of cars are parked. But you can park.

  • Bob I

    Bob I


    Prices. Everything else is good. Sometimes there are questions about the range of budget toilet paper

  • Виталий Исмагилов

    Виталий Исмагилов


    All wonderful life!) Magnum, like Magnum! There are many such stores in Kazakhstan and Russia. Trade network, brand! Large selection of products at an affordable price. I go myself, and I recommend it to you. Good luck to all!)

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