Manhattan Astana Hotel i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanManhattan Astana Hotel


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5, Tauelsizdik Avenue, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 36 15 36
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.1502933, Longitude: 71.4563438

kommentar 5

  • Даниил Зуев

    Даниил Зуев


    Disgusting hotel. There was no soap, no disposable shampoo, no glass in the room. If they brought soap and shampoo, they advised me to go down to the bar for a glass, where the bartender told Che that he needed to buy something from them so that he could give me a glass! Delirium is shorter. Well, and more on the little things.

  • Jeff Dyashuk

    Jeff Dyashuk


    Someone was so loud next door I asked to get different room, response was- people come here to relax. Well I came to rest not to listen s** all night

  • Yerulan Ataibekov

    Yerulan Ataibekov


    Nice hotel for 3 stars. Good restaurant and bakery Krendel. Rooms are clean.

  • Kelly Burke

    Kelly Burke


    Poor experience. The lamps in our room did not work, the bath tub stopper was broken, only had 1 roll of toilet paper, and we could not control the room temperature. We left the hotel at 5am to catch a flight, and the staff was sleeping when we were trying to check out. The woman who checked us out was rude and overcharged us for the taxi ride that we had ordered online with the room.

  • Khalid Khaled

    Khalid Khaled


    Great place for a massage

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