Nauchno-Klinicheskiy Tsentr Kardiokhirurgii i Тараз

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanNauchno-Klinicheskiy Tsentr Kardiokhirurgii



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196, Абай даңғылы, Тараз, Жамбыл ауданы, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7262 54 28 09
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.8827224, Longitude: 71.3860707

kommentar 5

  • Pino Colada

    Pino Colada


    Purely. Carefully. But with parking, of course, it's rather weak

  • Дамир Тукбасов

    Дамир Тукбасов


    The dumbest queue is everywhere and the reception desk and ultrasound, CT is waiting for an hour and a half in all offices

  • Бахтияр Серикбаев

    Бахтияр Серикбаев


    Very prompt and professional team. Thank you very much. Personally Azamat (surgeon) my father recovered

  • Айжан Абай

    Айжан Абай


    In 2020, I had a benign myoma that was growing, I had severe pain and bleeding during menstruation. In the clinic, a highly qualified surgeon Vadim Kuanyshbekoaich performed an operation for embolization of the uterine arteries (UAE), after which I feel great. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Vadim Kuanyshbekovich and all the staff of the clinic and recommend treatment in this clinic to all women in the Zhambyl region.

  • Махаббат Алдабергенова

    Махаббат Алдабергенова


    Registration girl ote rude. He doesn't know how to answer like a man and picks up the phone.

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