Ophthalmic Center в Semey

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КазахстанOphthalmic Center


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C6MW+QH4, Semey 070000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7222 53 37 67
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.4343842, Longitude: 80.2464551

Комментарии 5

  • Gudzeva Gudzeva

    Gudzeva Gudzeva


    Good doctors sit in the emergency room

  • О самом главном. Все о Brawl stars

    О самом главном. Все о Brawl stars


    I was in this hospital six months ago, they opened a boil. Very helpful doctors. Everything was explained, done cleanly and well. I really liked. Thanks everyone!

  • Айнур Толеухан

    Айнур Толеухан


    Very bad, the doctors are rude inattentive, I especially want to note the surgeon Tumenbaev Aliya Sagandykovna. I came for a second examination, refused to accept and go into a position, said that this was not her problem, and it was a pity to put one star for such people. I do not advise!!!

  • Жанна Жан

    Жанна Жан


    We want to express our gratitude, at the request of my mother and at my own request, to all the medical staff of the ophthalmological center. In August 2019, they came to an appointment with an ophthalmologist with a diagnosis of lower eyelid inversion, my mother was 68 years old, after a stroke. The attitude to my mother was very attentive, I would add caring, I was very pleasantly surprised, but this is not all, everything was explained to me and my mother in detail and very calmly, where to go, what to do. They underwent examination and diagnosis, received competent advice on preparing for the operation, after the operation. A preliminary date of the operation was set, a few days later they called me on a cell phone, confirmed the date of the operation, explained again what to have with me and what time I needed to be in place. People, I did not see such an attentive attitude at all in any medical institutions. The operation was performed at an excellent level, my mother’s eyes are just a sight for sore eyes, the seam is even, without inflammation, the edema has disappeared, the beauty has disappeared, in a word everything is fine. The operation was performed by a young doctor Gaukhar Samatovna, despite her very young age, as a doctor she is experienced, responsible, a lot of practice is felt, an easy hand! And she feels like a person, she is very good, as she spoke to her mother softly, but at the same time inspiring confidence as a professional in her field. All the medical staff, starting from the reception desk, I especially want to mention the medical staff of the 10th cabinet, this is the doctor Yulia Mikhailovna, I feel professionalism, knowledge and love for my work, the girls are all just super, unfortunately I do not remember the names and surnames, 9 cab, 15 cab. 4 cab, 6 cab, 8 cab, on the 4th floor, head nurse Almas and other honey. sisters of 4 floors, 3 floors (maybe I could be wrong with the numbering of rooms and floors) what are you all amazing, smart, kind, polite, responsive, approach your work very responsibly, you feel love for your job, experience and professionalism, I’m not afraid again will happen again. With great appreciation and gratitude, we say to you and your mother many human thanks! We wish you, your near and dear people good health, family well-being, success in your hard work, inexhaustible energy, great pleasure from work and greater human happiness from life! Sincerely, Nadiya Shagenova and Zhanar Shagenova 09/25/2019

  • Владимир А

    Владимир А


    The ophthalmological center has its own hospital, where you can operate, undergo treatment and receive physiotherapy. Also, an adult and children's ophthalmologist takes, tests are taken, vision is checked, first aid is provided for eye problems.

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