Tsentr Yadernoy Meditsiny I Onkologii G. Semey в Semey

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КазахстанTsentr Yadernoy Meditsiny I Onkologii G. Semey



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3, Kutzhanov Street, 070000, Semey, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7222 77 48 00
Веб-сайт: semeyonko.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 50.4263176, Longitude: 80.2290307

Комментарии 5

  • Жанель Жумали

    Жанель Жумали


    Very good treatment, dad went in November for treatment from Nur-Sultan, he liked everything: the staff is polite, the food is good, the wards are bright, clean, there is a TV with the Internet in the ward, the nurses came in every 10 minutes, everything is at the highest level.

  • Irina Lukinskaya

    Irina Lukinskaya


    My gratitude to the entire staff of the department of RNT CYAM and O Semey for their kind-heartedness, great professionalism, care and comfortable stay in the department during treatment from the first minutes! This attitude towards patients is very valuable!

  • ЮЛИЯ Бородина

    ЮЛИЯ Бородина


    I entered Almaty. Coordination, direction, negotiation, meeting at the airport are all at the highest level. I received answers to all questions. I took radioactive iodine and I feel good. The staff are very attentive and caring. The rooms are cozy, everything is there, TV, refrigerator, shower, Wi-Fi. The food is excellent, everything was enough and tasty. For the reception, organization, referral and treatment, huge gratitude to the Head of the Department of RNT Atantaeva Bayan Zhumagazinovna, Coordinator and nurse Ibraikenova Alia Zhunuskhaeovna, doctors Belikhina Tatyana Ivanovna, Esbolatova Nazgul Sailaubaevnk. Nurses Sailaubekkyzy DS, registrar Balieva SK Many thanks to all the staff for their care, patience and attention.

  • Talshyn Nauryzbayeva

    Talshyn Nauryzbayeva


    I couldn't get through. I call from a mobile, all the numbers are busy, the operator picks up 77-48-00, says wait on the line for a minute, wait more than a minute, does not answer, called back and again the same way, Then I called back again, this operator does not pick up anymore, others are no longer busy , but also do not raise. I'm calling from another city, I can't come. If there are not enough operators, hire more, or call back yourself. Administration, please take action. I wrote to the mail, I hope they will at least answer there.

  • Гаухар Кожахметова

    Гаухар Кожахметова


    I did not understand a situation, my uncle was in 1948, a disabled person of the 2nd group, diabetic insulin. We have been in the hospital since November. We went to the oncologist and he told me that you have stage 4 cancer, he does not want to be treated. Is it possible to draw such a conclusion without studying ?? They put it on the paper we have. They say that oncology is very advanced now, we will cure it, but it is not true. It means to put the disease and milk the garden, to go home and die. We are being treated at home. Dear doctors, there is hope for the sick in this world as well.

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