Otdeleniye Sberbank i Taldıqorğan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanOtdeleniye Sberbank



🕗 åbningstider

194 а, Ablai-Khan Street, Taldıqorğan, Eskeldi District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 800 080-88-08
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.0116443, Longitude: 78.3873922

kommentar 5

  • Ilyas Abdulabayev

    Ilyas Abdulabayev


    Collective farmers, how do you infuriate me, doing online functions that would then ask to come to the office. Learn from Kaspi children

  • Alla Lit

    Alla Lit


    I stood in line for an hour, in order to make an urgent transfer, you need to open a card. The machine for cards is broken, the general manager explained that people cost 2.5 hours and nothing! What about my job? Is this really normal? Disgusting impression, I will never contact this bank. Sucks and service and attitude.

  • Пери Рахманова

    Пери Рахманова


    On the plus side: the bank is clean, spacious and cool. Of the minuses: the queue is moving very slowly! Apparently due to the lack of sufficient staff. Waiting for my turn for more than an hour! The atmosphere throughout the bank is negative, as everyone is tired of waiting in line. I don't understand the reason for such service, here are simple transactions with money, and not a surgical department

  • Olzhas Zhumabaev

    Olzhas Zhumabaev


    They don't answer the phone for a long time ...

  • Irinina Mironenko

    Irinina Mironenko


    Indicated a non-existent number! You urgently need to get through and it is impossible to get advice!

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