Otrar i Almaty

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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73, Gogol Street, 050002, Almaty, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7272 50 68 06
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Latitude: 43.2607795, Longitude: 76.9507023

kommentar 5

  • Ricard Torné Codina

    Ricard Torné Codina


    Old fashion hotel in the center of the city. Cheap and good services. It deserves a full renovation.

  • Isaac Cheng

    Isaac Cheng


    I am a Hong Konger who needs registration from hotel under Kazakhstan policy. I did it with this hotel and when I am exiting Almaty in airport, the immigration officer told me the hotel didn’t do it for me/made some mistakes in the registration, and I was REJECTED to leave the country. The officer got the hotel and they denied to have provided the registration service for me(but I have all the printing documents from hotel). Now I have lost my ticket, unable to back home, have to stay in Kazakhstan right now, knowing nothing what to do next. NEVER STAY HERE.

  • Alexey S

    Alexey S


    Old Hotel from Soviet union time. Only the location is comfotable.

  • Jawad Ali

    Jawad Ali


    Average Hotel with Good Location The best thing about this hotel is the location just across the road from Panfilov Park also there are many attractions nearby like Green Market and pedestrian shopping mall. The rooms are small but clean, beds comfy, bathroom OK, good Wifi and hot and cold water in the bathroom. The hotel decor is heavy and classical and there is some interesting Kazakh art on the walls. Breakfast option is limited. Staff is friendly and can speak English.

  • Viren Mehta

    Viren Mehta


    Looks very old hotel, rooms looks very old. Views outside are very good.

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