Rahat i Uralsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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47/1, Sergyei Tyulenin Street, Uralsk, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7112 54 94 04
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Latitude: 51.2469627, Longitude: 51.402618

kommentar 5

  • Серега KTZ

    Серега KTZ


    The hotel is simply gorgeous, when the renovation was going on on other floors, but even that did not spoil the impression. Rooms are European level, the bed does not let go, says lie down on me and sleep). I advise everyone.

  • Salamat Yeralin

    Salamat Yeralin


    No parking at all. Highway crosses around the hotel, and it is inconvenient for out-fencing activity

  • Tamer Shouman

    Tamer Shouman


    The place is clean and clear it was recently renewed. We took a room for one night, the room was well furnished with 2 single beds and 1 couch converting to a bed so is good for 3 adults. Parking is at the back of the hotel but there is no direct access to the hotel. Paid 38000tg without breakfast.

  • Samat Kalmenov

    Samat Kalmenov


    Nice and plain room. The shower had no hot water, but the sink had. Breakfast is plain. The restaurant is not good enough. The yard is excellent

  • Laszlo Zoltan

    Laszlo Zoltan


    Rooms were large. We also received the breakfast very early since we asked for.

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