RESTORAN Imperial i Aktobe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanRESTORAN Imperial



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Sankibay Batyr Avenue, Aktobe, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 775 604 1565
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.2688398, Longitude: 57.180574

kommentar 5

  • Наталья Веретенникова

    Наталья Веретенникова


    Incredible, gorgeous walk! You are great, the organization is at a high level !!! The kitchen is excellent, we all really liked it

  • Aigepim Shimkaeva

    Aigepim Shimkaeva


    The food is delicious, the music is terrible, please change the DJ. And very noisy

  • Борис Владимирович

    Борис Владимирович


    The setting is great! music, waiters, everything is good! Only the kebab failed ... The quality of cooking the kebab is below average. But the cold appetizers are well prepared.

  • Умка Умка

    Умка Умка


    Everything is beautiful, but the kebab is very tough, you can't even bite it. Wine was ordered but never delivered. When asked why they answered that it was not available. Until they asked where our order was, no one was in a hurry to apologize for not having what we ordered. Even when asked, the answer was simple no and that's it (they didn't even offer anything in return). I didn’t like the music either, but this is for amateurs. In general, the situation is not bad, the kitchen and the bar are lame.

  • Ерик Максат

    Ерик Максат


    Best restaurant In the city Aktobe

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