Ribaye art and grill i Semey

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KasakhstanRibaye art and grill



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C785+25Q, Semey 070000, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 771 547 0405
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Latitude: 50.4150925, Longitude: 80.2579887

kommentar 5

  • Ирина Духонина

    Ирина Духонина


    We wanted to eat deliciously. Chose a cool restaurant, but the food is terrible. Salads tasteless - a lot of mayonnaise. In general, some kind of dough. The food is not fresh. Lowest quality shrimp. Lamb is not chewed. All in all, sheer disappointment. True, the fried potatoes are delicious and the beef stands. In general, it is better to look at another place in order to have a tasty meal. Or we were so unlucky.

  • таир сапаров

    таир сапаров


    Good kitchen

  • Маргарита Тихомирова

    Маргарита Тихомирова


    an excellent institution for recreation. well thought out with the children's animators delicious food bowling prices for our city are very good. prosperity well to all your establishments

  • Мой господин

    Мой господин


    A great place where you can have a great time with your family and friends. Good service expected, great service. The only place in town where you can go bowling, 6 lanes, good quality. There are also slot machines and simulators. In general, I advise))))

  • Лола Муслимханова

    Лола Муслимханова


    Been bowling, good family cafe.

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