Scientific Research Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedy i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanScientific Research Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedy



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15 а, Abylay Khan Avenue, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 54 76 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.1593935, Longitude: 71.4780982

kommentar 5

  • Галина Пономаренко

    Галина Пономаренко


    I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the medical staff of the medical facility (orthopedics 7). On December 21, my sister Nidzelskaya V.N. was operated on. The competence and attention of doctors are at the highest level. I would like to express special gratitude to Nazym Karabaeva. Even before arriving at the medical institution, Nazym Karabaeva competently and competently, and most importantly, very intelligibly for us explained any question we asked. She was of great help during the arrival and departure. Low bow to the parents who raised such a kind, sympathetic girl. Happy New Year to you!

  • Jon Fuller

    Jon Fuller


    The staff are professional and caring. Even with my lack of Russian they took time to make sure I understand everything. The treatment is good and I feel comfortable in their care!

  • Natalia Koroleva

    Natalia Koroleva


    Awful shabby establishment! Completely inconsistent with the status. Patients are transported on a gurney through the emergency room, where people from the street are sitting - sheer unsanitary conditions! We sat in a queue for hospitalization for 2 hours and we were not accepted! Do you see an error in the documents during registration, and we came from another city! And they threw us out into the street! Who will compensate the moral and material damage!

  • Елена Сизоненко

    Елена Сизоненко


    I am Elena Sizonenko, Kostanay, I want to express my deep gratitude to Ashimov K.D and Ungarbaeva G.R. for your sensitive attention to patients, for your professionalism. For solving complex problems in any situation, a favorable atmosphere and understanding. I go to consultations with great pleasure, in the hope that they will help me here! Thank you so much for this! Health and happiness to you, less fuss, worries !!!

  • Chingiz Montague

    Chingiz Montague


    treatment are excellent, if you need to recover after accident. but lack of Customer service, make it poor.

nærmeste Hospital

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