Serebro i Ust'-Kamenogorsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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48/1, Astana Street, 070003, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 776 443 4848
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.9537247, Longitude: 82.5911884

kommentar 5

  • Kurmet



    The design and the interior are excellent, cozy. The menu is boring, short and 40-50% not appetizing, I can't get any dish that would catch me, the tea card is a disaster, berry, Tashkent, forest, etc. everything tastes the same and all tasteless, you need to update PS. Finally, make ventilation, in summer it is stuffy and hot, in winter the smoke from the hookah is a pillar

  • Sadullah Duman

    Sadullah Duman


    We chose a cold dish. Servls are punctual and attentive. Deer meat wolf was very successful.

  • ольга Захарова

    ольга Захарова


    We held an event. The cafe is very cozy. Beautiful. I like it

  • Сауле Кабидоллина

    Сауле Кабидоллина


    Nice, tasty, but it was unpleasant when the waitress brought change in ten-kopeck coins. I was ready to leave a tip for her, although this is included in the price list. But this trick was like extortion. It was ugly on her part. And it lowers the rating of the institution. It was July 29 at lunchtime. We went to specially test the service and taste the cuisine. We would like to mark an equally important event. It's a shame for the service.

  • Аделина Золотая

    Аделина Золотая


    Handsomely. But! Service is zero. An hour and a half waited for the order. Orders were constantly confused. It is unlikely that I will come here again

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