ShymCity Hostel i Shymkent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanShymCity Hostel


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Tauke Khan Avenue, Shymkent, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 778 251 3805
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Latitude: 42.314545, Longitude: 69.610869

kommentar 5

  • Auto Buletin

    Auto Buletin


    Nice and cheap place to stay... Nice and kind host... Bedrooms if will be upgraded I will give 5stars

  • Sanil Patel

    Sanil Patel


    Great hostel in an excellent location near the market and shops. Very close to a bus station. Possible not enough bathrooms if the hostel is full but not a problem while we were there.

  • Sophie Sheather

    Sophie Sheather


    I stayed in this beautiful hostel for a week. Natalie and Volodya are wonderful people who treated me like family, shared their knowledge, food and culture and I felt so sad to leave. Its a huge home with a beautiful garden and huge grape vine. It is the best located hostel in the city, with bus stops, banks and heaps of food options just around the corner. The room was big and comfortable. 100 recommend !

  • Buckeye 123

    Buckeye 123


    Wonderful experience! Cozy and affordable accommodation. The hostess was friendly and helpful every step of the way. A+

  • Miguel Moura

    Miguel Moura


    Stayed there this month (5/2017). Spacious, clean, good looking house. The owners are very nice, between his half German and her half English we all understood each other very well and they made me extremely well welcomed. Definitely recommended.

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