Skif i Aksu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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10, Auezov Street, 140000, Aksu, Aksu District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 800 070-71-70
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.039201, Longitude: 76.922108

kommentar 5

  • Shine Muslim

    Shine Muslim


    I want to say a huge THANK YOU to the teams of skif_Aksu: Kamzin, 61 and Auezov, 10 for sooooo huge inhuman patience, responsiveness, work and efforts (cleanliness and order, efficiency), despite the shortage of personnel, “minor” shortcomings of work and dirty tricks on the part of buyers. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🔥🔥🔥

  • Di



    Changed rating because service changed. After the opening, everything was great, everything was fine. There was a lot of variety of products, there was a good choice! Now, the shelves are almost empty, the prices indicated for the goods do not correspond to reality. There used to be numerous promotions, but now there are almost none. In Pavlodar in Skif (Small), the action is constantly! I even asked how the actions should take place in different cities, the answer was the same, both in Pavlodar and in Aksu! Therefore, I conclude that Aksu-Skif are not working well! I would like everything to be as before, the right store for the city.

  • Maxim Knyazev

    Maxim Knyazev


    It would be nice if the cash desks were all working, otherwise the queue is big if there are many customers.

  • Елена Корниенко

    Елена Корниенко


    Inierest shopping store, always a large selection, and real prices

  • Lioubov Martin

    Lioubov Martin


    Poore quality, bad management

nærmeste Supermarked

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