Стоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс) i Atyrau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanСтоматология Dent-Lux (Дент-Люкс)



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1, Baqtygerey Qulmanov Street, Atyrau, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7122 98 00 98
internet side: dent-lux.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.1083105, Longitude: 51.916339

kommentar 5

  • Ted Ted

    Ted Ted


    Excellent clinic. Fast, painless, high quality. 5 out of 5

  • Альфия Темирханова

    Альфия Темирханова


    Good dentistry! The staff liked it too. Good luck with your work👍🏻

  • Ruslan Zhabashkanov

    Ruslan Zhabashkanov


    Writing this while waiting for a scheduled dentist appointment. An hour has passed and nobody still called me. Services of the clins is moderate but doesn't reflect the price tag.

  • Alexandr Slaboussov

    Alexandr Slaboussov


    Solid 3 star dental service. Most local insurance policies being accepted here. Limited English. Doctors mostly from all over RoK contracted here. Appointments in advance only. Slow service, delays in service normal practice here.

  • David Church

    David Church


    Typical mass of paperwork to get things done, extremely limited English Language. Ensure you get complete costing prior to starting dental work, everything you can think of is an addition to the base bill. BUT, these are skilled and professional dental technicians and doctors who know what they are doing. I had 14 implants done and have nothing but praise the speed and quality of work performed.

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