Stomatologiya Ardager i Qostanaý

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanStomatologiya Ardager



🕗 åbningstider

106, Altynsarin Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.20859, Longitude: 63.6289977

kommentar 4

  • Виталий Ефремов

    Виталий Ефремов


    Mother pulled out a tooth there, it seems normal. But the swelling became larger the next day, the place was very swollen and the pain was unbearable. We went to the pearl, the doctor looked and said that everything was poorly processed, prescribed injections, antibiotics and pills. If the tumor does not decrease with pain, then there will be a surgical intervention ... Let's see, I hope it will work out.

  • Ксения Шилинская

    Ксения Шилинская


    Hello! I want to share my sad experience from going to dentistry Ardager-2 (at the intersection of Altynsarin-Pavlov). Was undergoing treatment at the end of July. So after their "treatment" the tooth began to hurt even more. The doctor said that the gum would fit into place and it would be fine. And after 3 weeks I noticed that the gums were swollen and hurt more. I picked it up with a toothpick and pulled out a piece of WOOL. WOODS !!!! I'm shocked. She has already started to rot there !!! Before that, I removed the tooth there, everything was fine, but the doctor was different. No more foot there. People are treated only in proven places, it is better to overpay once again than to suffer like this ...

  • Асылхан Файзуллин

    Асылхан Файзуллин


    I Fayzullin Asylkhan was passing through Kustanai after removing everything went wrong to Astana ate I got there twice I made a cut a third of the den I suffer

  • Sali A

    Sali A


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