Теріскей мейрамханасы i Shymkent

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanТеріскей мейрамханасы



🕗 åbningstider

уг, Alimbetov Street, Shymkent, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 701 380 9962
internet side: teriskey.restoran.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.3269347, Longitude: 69.6055236

kommentar 5

  • Assel Tleukeyeva

    Assel Tleukeyeva


    Wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Terrible service. The feeling that you are in an aul and pay a lot of money for rudeness. Noisy, smoky, toilets dirty, food ok but nothing special. Our order was prepared for 2.5 hours, when they already decided to refuse, they brought it half-baked. The administrator did not resolve any issues. Like eat what you gave.

  • Нургали Каденов

    Нургали Каденов


    The waiters brazenly take it from the steel, when you go out on the dance floor, and whether to smoke or go to the restroom, they still managed to catch it red-handed. They warned, they say, that for disrespect, but no, she took it into a brazen cold cuts and dropped it on the floor, so to speak, not to myself, that is, to the guests, but after all they paid for everything they asked why they warned at all if they just ignore it and act on their own with one word a mess where is the administrator looking

  • Assel T

    Assel T


    Terrible place. I do not advise anyone. Service 0. Even with a preliminary reservation, they forgot that we need to be accommodated. A dirty table with a wet tablecloth was set in the corner. The administrator is not up to the job. Prepayment was made in advance. Hope to close soon. Fries are raw, champagne is warm. For this price it is better to go to a restaurant, and not to this "Mambet a la restaurant"

  • Название канала СпиzZz21Li

    Название канала СпиzZz21Li


    Oh my

  • Bekmukhanbet Mazhit

    Bekmukhanbet Mazhit



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