Topchan i Тараз

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2,, Taraz Airport, Тараз, Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7262 54 23 24
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Latitude: 42.8943292, Longitude: 71.3557921

kommentar 5

  • Aidos Kozybayev

    Aidos Kozybayev



  • Miss sisters

    Miss sisters


    I visited this place for the first time and I still arrive in horror. The waiters don't do their job, we cleaned the dishes ourselves. There was nothing hot, not even kebabs.

  • Марина Садчикова

    Марина Садчикова


    The slaughterhouse takes place here. You can have a great evening. Warm up your brains and have a snack. We liked the pizza

  • Aziz Azkhojayev

    Aziz Azkhojayev


    Was here on May 21, 2021 at the Brain Slaughter game, which has been held only here for some time. Previously, I was in a booth with a built-in trestle bed, where it was inconvenient to sit in debt. I don't know if they exist now. The institution itself meets the eastern standards of recreation, not only inside, but also outside - there is a beautiful and cozy summer house with a stage and a dance floor where you feel like a star) The staff is friendly and fast. Despite the large number of player-visitors, the service was at a decent level. We failed to try anything on the menu of dishes, but we tried the bar menu, although I don't drink myself))) I advise.

  • Калимаш Давлетбаева

    Калимаш Давлетбаева


    The kitchen is very bad, the stew we ordered brought the boiled meat upright, and the mascara of the owner, who did not fry the stew at all, just put the onion sauce on the meat. I ordered a second soup, the soup was cold between the potatoes in the warm case In general, the kitchen жжжжааааммммаааннн !!!!

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