Vintage i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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16/10, Bayimbet Maylin Street, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 43 65 17
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Latitude: 51.1448966, Longitude: 71.4758761

kommentar 5

  • Евгений Мясников

    Евгений Мясников


    Clean, comfortable, good staff

  • Nikola Savchenko

    Nikola Savchenko


    In general - good: clean, quiet, comfortable. But: 1) Current repairs must be carried out on time (the faucet in the bathroom was broken; fittings on the furniture in the room) 2) The booking conditions on the aggregator sites must correspond to the real ones: I booked a room for 2 adults and 1 child and I had to pay extra for breakfast for the child, although it was indicated on that the booking amount is final and includes all services hotel.

  • Ербол Айдаралиев

    Ербол Айдаралиев


    Just fine

  • Nurbanu Zholdassova

    Nurbanu Zholdassova


    A very good hotel with beautiful interior. The rooms are clean and warm, and have TV, aircon, etc. Exceptionally friendy staff. Good variety of breakfast.

  • Eder Monaco

    Eder Monaco


    Vintage Boutique Hotel's main strength is their staff. They have extremely nice staff members, always available to help, and also english speaking. They helped me out a lot during my stay in Astana, and most of the time for a tourist, this is the only thing you need from an hotel when visiting for the first time a place and in which you don't speak the local language. The hotel's restaurant is great, providing very tasty food at good prices. The only negative thing I could talk of and that which can be improved easily, is the wifi's reception in the room (at least mine didn't have good wifi signal). Definetely recommend this hotel if you are visiting Astana.

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