Zhaik Dent i Uralsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanZhaik Dent


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39, Dauletkerei Street, 090000, Uralsk, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7112 51 16 28
internet side: stomatologiya.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.1995901, Longitude: 51.3733754

kommentar 5

  • Эльмира Сал

    Эльмира Сал


    Zhaiyk dent - dentistry, where there are all conditions for clients. Starting from shoe covers at the entrance, including excellent service. They sell irrigators, toothpastes, brushes of excellent quality. All experts are attentive. Children go with pleasure, and we have three of them and have someone to compare with. Calling the day before the appointment is an important small detail of excellent service. Always clean and comfortable. Prosperity to you and great customers!!!!

  • Ирина Чех

    Ирина Чех


    We contacted 10/01/2021. Very expensive!!!! Moreover, the doctors are late !!!! Didn't even apologize! Disrespectful attitude towards patients !! There are no exceptions for the urgently ill !!! The administrator says one price, the bill is billed for another, twice as much. Regional director Lyazzat (as she introduced herself) is not competent in many issues !! Very negative impression after visiting this dentistry !!! Not interested in clients !!! I will never go there again !!! I DO NOT ADVISE THIS Clinic to anyone !!!! But the girl at the entrance, who measures the temperature and asks to put on shoe covers, is very welcoming and benevolent !! Sorry, I don't know the name. Thank you sun for the right attitude towards customers !!

  • K Wusun

    K Wusun


    Nice clinic. I always go there. The doctors are good. Recommend.

  • Mesi Mesi

    Mesi Mesi


    Previously, Mergenova worked there. He treated very well.

  • Надежда Аюпова

    Надежда Аюпова


    An excellent clinic, I have been applying only to the railway for more than 10 years. Highly professional doctors for both adults and children. Good service

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