Fit в Ust'-Kamenogorsk




🕗 время открытия

15, Ulitsa L'va Tolstogo, 070000, Ust'-Kamenogorsk, Glubokoye District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7232 70 06 00
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.9462167, Longitude: 82.653851

Комментарии 5

  • Жанна Кабылова

    Жанна Кабылова


    We liked everything very much and we took the child and ourselves. The service is polite, they write that they are rude, no need to slow down. Doctors of the old school are all essentially, without unnecessary movements, and this is the most important thing. Once the recording was transferred to us, all people can be accepted. thanks

  • Cyberpunk 2077

    Cyberpunk 2077


    Was on recommendation. There are still competent doctors. They will listen to everything, explain - "what, and why", prescribe treatment that is at adequate prices and which heals, and not just in local clinics.

  • Marzhan Kadysheva

    Marzhan Kadysheva


    I give 1 for the work of the receptionists. I called in the morning, clarified the time. Upon arrival, it turned out that I was not correctly told the opening hours of the physiotherapy room. To my legitimate indignation, they replied that the call was received by the trainee and she was mistaken.

  • Анар Темирханова

    Анар Темирханова


    I like. Doctors with experience, experienced, not like in state polyclinics. Physician neuropathologist Teterina N.I. a doctor from God, helped us a lot, thanks!

  • Наталья Цой

    Наталья Цой


    On a five-point scale, I put 1. It is a pity that less is impossible. Shocked by this clinic. Service ... hmm, to put it mildly absent. In the registry sit boorish, do not know how to talk. They take money as worthless, but they cannot provide the service in full. Arriving at the reception at 4:00 p.m., at 4:30 p.m. I didn’t get to the doctor’s appointment with the child, the doctor just kicked me out of the office, supposedly she was taking the appointment. Although I paid 3200 tenge to receive a qualified doctor and at the appointed time 16:00 was supposed to be in the doctor’s office. At 16:30, not waiting to be accepted, I demanded a refund. What insults and screams fell upon me. I still took my money and wrote a review in the complaints book, just left there with a spoiled mood. I do not recommend this clinic to anyone.

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