Gollivudskaya Ulybka в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанGollivudskaya Ulybka


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улица Скрябина, 6, Nur-Sultan 020000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 31 72 34
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Latitude: 51.1803014, Longitude: 71.416465

Комментарии 5

  • viоlet little horn

    viоlet little horn


    That's horrible! People, never do anything in this clinic. In April 2020, she removed the nerve and put a filling in this clinic. They did it for a very long time, but it is quite tolerable. After completion, everything suited me, outwardly decent and no pain. After some time, the sensitivity of this tooth increased. It went up and down at weekly intervals. Yesterday I felt a sharp pulsation in my tooth in the middle of the night, I could not sleep. I was very scared, thought inflammation. In another clinic, I took an X-ray, it turned out that when my tooth was filled in a smile, then during the filling of the nerve canals (three-canal tooth), only 1 of 3 canals was filled to me, and the remaining 2 were left empty. This is normal? It is a pity that I do not remember the name of the doctor who did it! Are you recruiting specialists from the street? Hopefully the management reads the reviews because you are disgusting in fulfilling your commitments! Because of your incompetence, I have to spend 2 times more on this tooth and other people have to fix your joints! A shame! Who will return my money! Close your sharashkin office and do not cripple people !!!

  • Татьяна



    Horror and not the chief doctor. I did the crown without trying on the prosthesis .. I burned the gum all .. It’s okay. The tooth hurts after i. Norm answers. The crown sways for 3 days. Norm says. You will come when it falls out. It doesn’t change my gloves. people are sitting in a queue. under quarantine, and now they have not yet lifted all restrictions.

  • Assel Iskendirova

    Assel Iskendirova


    Good evening! I treated a tooth in this dentistry. Smile, not daring. First, the doctor looked, said one price, as he picked it up, said another price. I thought, okay, the main thing was that it didn't matter to me well. When I made a tooth, I said I will put a temporary filling for you tomorrow, you will come tomorrow, then after a while I said okay, I'll finish tomorrow, don't come. The tooth ached and still hurts, it's been 3.5 months, I gave a guarantee even I'm afraid to go to him. Please advise a good doctor I'm chewing on one side now

  • Карина



    I arrive in shock from this clinic, I came in a good mood and expected competent service, but my expectations did not come true, while I sat and waited for my turn, the patient pulled out a tooth and the screams were just terrible, although as it turned out later it was an adult man, anesthetizing the injection did not work. When it was my turn and they put me on a chair, the machine didn’t work which sharpens, I don’t know what the name is, they transferred me to another one, and then the worst thing started, the crowns just came off and they needed to be fixed, but then the doctor asked the assistant for cement said that there was only one left (which is bad) I quote the words of the assistant, And why they didn’t buy, the dentist said, and they said when this will end then we’ll buy it. And then I started to panic, they made this cement and started fixing me, after 3 minutes I wanted to remove the leftovers, but it wasn’t there. The crowns fell. I fell off, I started freaking out, I tried N2, and then I felt a sharp smell of alcohol, that is, a fume, but I couldn’t do anything anymore because the fixation process was going on, he missed 3 times and damaged my gum, I had upper teeth, that is, the crowns fell and he tried to fix them with all his strength and he succeeded, after 3 minutes of torment he said I don’t hear him, wait until the cement will dry in the bowl where they made it, and he left. After waiting, I spat out cotton swabs and felt that my teeth were crooked. I felt so offended and disgusted by such dentists. And imagine he was trying to tear off their already fixed teeth just simply pull out his hands. It's all horror, I pushed him away and left. I don’t know whether this issue will be solved or not. But I hope they read my koment .....

  • Assel A

    Assel A


    the doctor’s negligent attitude, he’s also a director like a clinic. I understand that the clinic has got a clientele, but you can’t be like that. just to tear off more money. At first he treated the tooth, but he still was ill. then sent to the picture, then removed this tooth. the tooth was under the crown, removed the crown of course, said then put the crown. I got to him after 3 weeks. then it turns out that it was necessary to come earlier, now the crown does not fit, the teeth moved. if I had initially warned why I would have created a problem for myself! as a result, this crown had to be thrown out and already in another clinic I ordered a new one. All this also cost a pretty penny.

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