Городская больница № 1 в Pavlodar

КазахстанГородская больница № 1



🕗 время открытия

49Б, Lomov Street, 140000, Pavlodar, Pavlodar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7182 34 29 34
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.2637549, Longitude: 76.9672617

Комментарии 5

  • Almagul Rahmangulova

    Almagul Rahmangulova



  • Надежда Брашеван

    Надежда Брашеван


    Awful hospital. For coronavirus, they prescribed sleeping on their stomach. And that's it! What is this treatment ?! We have been expecting the results of the PCR test for a relative for 3 days. The numbers cannot be reached. Disgusting!

  • Amanda M

    Amanda M


    I, a German citizen, came to visit in August 2021 and ended up in the hospital for surgery, on suspicion of appendicitis. Without doing any special examinations, even an elementary bowel cleansing, I was sent for an operation. The surgeon who operated on made many mistakes that my condition worsened every day. But no one paid attention to this at all. The indifference of the attending physician Zhumabekov Almas Nurlybekovich shocked me to madness. I vomited for 2 days without stopping and even no one except the nurse helped me. Moreover, they said that he was a good doctor, you just need to find an approach to him. Isn't that barbarism? A helpless person must still look for an approach to a doctor who did not even want to talk to you. And after 5 days he just wanted to discharge me, but apparently his conscience did not allow him and turned to a paid department. I was half-dead, and in the statement he wrote that everything was satisfactory. How can you lie like that? And many thanks and gratitude to the surgeon Viktor Anatolyevich Vorobyov, who decided to take me to his paid department. My condition was grave. And only he found out what happened to me. There was an intestinal obstruction with which I was kept for 5 days in a free department, without doing anything. On the next day, I underwent an urgent 2 operation, where my life was in the balance and no one guaranteed anything. And the consequences of a poorly done 1 operation could cost me my life. But let it remain on the conscience of that surgeon. But thanks to the surgeons, they saved me from God. There is a proverb that there are "Surgeons from God" and there is "Surgeons - God forbid" Many thanks and deep bow to Viktor Anatolyevich Vorobyov and all the staff of the paid department in this hospital. People are definitely being rescued there, and not thrown out into the street, as in the free surgery department. I pray to God to quickly forget all this mess.

  • Daniella Flores

    Daniella Flores


    In the emergency room, they took him in, and quickly took an x-ray. All very respectful

  • Zhadyra Temirbayeva

    Zhadyra Temirbayeva


    07/25/2021 called an ambulance because of lactose. Two girls arrived, very rude, condemning, they say that I should have known what to pump. Let them not work if the nerves are not in order, I did not call an ambulance for this to discuss me.

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