Kgp Na Pkhv Pavlodarskaya Oblastnaya Bol'nitsa Im.sultanova, Oblastnaya Poliklinika в Pavlodar

КазахстанKgp Na Pkhv Pavlodarskaya Oblastnaya Bol'nitsa Im.sultanova, Oblastnaya Poliklinika



🕗 время открытия

66, Suvorov Street, 140010, Pavlodar, Pavlodar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7182 66 40 05
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 52.289697, Longitude: 77.005961

Комментарии 5

  • Мадина Турлубекова

    Мадина Турлубекова


    I was recently at the reception but did not remember the name of the young endocrinologist! Cabinet 212! No subordination of ethics !!! So the size can people get sick and with such diseases come that hard to think and this doctor expresses himself with insults and humiliation! I wanted to say on the spot, but it didn't work out! To think so, she is probably young and does not understand her behavior! No respect for patients! Where is their oath of Dipocrates!

  • Sergey Sokolov

    Sergey Sokolov


    Hello! I want to express my deep gratitude to the staff of the regional hospital named after G. Sultanov. Starting from the admission ward and ending with the surgical department. I would like to note the professionalism of the doctors, who promptly identified the diagnosis and prescribed the correct treatment. Special thanks to the ultrasound doctor, who was called at night for my examination, the head of the surgical department, Andrei Vladimirovich, as well as all the medical staff for the help and treatment provided to me. The staff is polite. I would also like to acknowledge the kitchen workers for delicious cereals and dinners. From your patient Sokolova A.R.

  • Marina Portnova

    Marina Portnova


    Awful experience, the receptionist cannot be reached.

  • Раиса Чуб

    Раиса Чуб


    Not getting through, poor service, we call three numbers for a week and zero result

  • Елена Доброе

    Елена Доброе


    Many thanks to the head of the surgical department Andrei Vladimirovich, doctors and staff of intensive care, surgery for providing qualified assistance, as well as kind attitude. Mom, 88 years old, was admitted by ambulance with a strangulated hernia, taking into account her age and diseases, she was given excellent anesthesia and the operation was performed on time. On the 2nd day she was already cheerful. Mom is delighted with the hospital staff and expresses her gratitude to everyone.

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