Гостевой Дом Балхаш - Family в Balkhash

КазахстанГостевой Дом Балхаш - Family


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RXMM+CXH, Balkhash 100000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 71036 4 91 91
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 46.8335692, Longitude: 74.9849829

Комментарии 5

  • Temirlan FX

    Temirlan FX


    Top class hotel, the sauna is generally super 👍

  • MrVaistor



    No hot water how so?

  • Ник Нэйм

    Ник Нэйм


    Hello. We rested with you. The pancake nnnn is of course tin ... Let's start with the entrance. They came and you do not have 4-bed suite. Only 2-seat. You’re reading .... you find out .... well, okay .... but you know, it was like having a baby. In the room is a large bed Super ..... Thought all three together fit .... It was not there .... The second mattress just "walks." There is no sticky tape under it that would hold it ... it slides along its side and I slept stupidly on the blackboard. Yes, I know, there is a sofa, in the end I slept on it with the child. but it is not a big and soft bed. Yes, it’s not even that ... the child does not sleep alone in his own house. And there was no hot water yet ... Yes, she said she didn’t need hot water, just to wash her hair in a simple way. Cold water wasn’t ice ..... for 3 days we didn’t wash our hair roughly. And in the end he finished, okay, the tank from the toilet bowl was flowing, they asked for a rag or something like that. So and then for 3 days and no water was there. They couldn’t just go to the toilet. Pro frogs in the room keep silent. So still the admin first took out my brain for 20 minutes ... Just poured all the negative on me after I called you. So what about the nafig and you take out the negative on her. From the fact that I complained about no hot water ... Well, damn it's the same elementary. Isn’t it? You can look at the camera as she poured it out to me. We have a worse place than the hotel, what for we came here .... Kamon .... What did we choose .... by the comments and the name Family .... If we were two. ... bullshit on hot water and the fact that there is no water in the toilet bowl tank .... But I'm with the baby. .. And so everything at the hotel eslt look all cool. DR work your mistakes. And there will be more people.

  • Temirlan Yessembekov

    Temirlan Yessembekov


    Very cozy place

  • Кариана Абилгазиева

    Кариана Абилгазиева


    Nice guest house, excellent conditions

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