Oasis - дом отдыха в Balkhash

КазахстанOasis - дом отдыха



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
Садоводческое общество "БГМК-1 Дача №23 Дача, №25, Balkhash 100300, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 705 982 1522
Веб-сайт: oasisbalkhash.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 46.8147822, Longitude: 75.0058553

Комментарии 5

  • Таня Киц

    Таня Киц


    Perfect place!

  • Ladaclub_krg



    cool place

  • Нина Абрамова

    Нина Абрамова


    if something is forgotten, even an expensive one. Non-refundable! I forgot it means I gave it! 😖 Not the most convenient arrangement of the cases relative to each other. Anyone who loves retro disco - here. You start dancing to pop music, as you deliberately cut in a chanson, a lezginka, or a slow ... I had to leave or sit down ... We spent 2 days out of 5 in the rooms because of the weather. There was no light for 1 day. There are no generators. Made minor compensation for the spoiled food. The owners are friendly, they always went to a meeting. The girls cleaned, cleaned all the time, helped as much as they could. Well done. The owner's son is a special case ... Send it out right away if you don't want to get in your hands when you take a hundred square meters from your child !! 😖 very impudent boy. The cafe is not bad, the prices are higher than those indicated on the website. There is a kitchen, you can cook yourself free of charge from your own products. There are all the necessary utensils, except for huge pots, if you are planning okroshka for a large company, take the container with you. The Internet is there, but it is interrupted, there is no stable connection. The network hardly catches. Next to the rooms there is a hill with a very steep descent. The owner immediately warns that this is dangerous, but you cannot explain it to the children. Some fly head over heels.

  • Владимир Сидиропуло

    Владимир Сидиропуло


    The holiday home is good. The owner is friendly. But the owner's wife, a hysterical woman who considers herself a goddess on the 2nd day of her stay, staged a hysteria because of the dog whose arrival had been stipulated earlier. The room for 4 people had a tochta double bed. Two teenage children were cramped and the sofa cushions on which it was not comfortable to sleep. 4 sheets of bed linen, 4 pillowcases and 2 sets of towels. Reconsider the attitude of staff towards customers. Remained negative and not a desire to go to you again. I dropped my watch under the bed and had to move it aside, and under it the contents horrified dust, dirt and hair clumps.

  • Groff Effer

    Groff Effer


    Everything was great! The owner of the Oasis Batyr is a very hospitable and cool guy. Always helped, prompted, even from the station we were met and brought. We had a great rest, next year we will arrive again. I recommend it to everyone Oasis!

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