Zona Otdykha Flamingo в Karagandy Province

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КазахстанZona Otdykha Flamingo


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100000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 778 496 8080
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 46.7902187, Longitude: 74.9811645

Комментарии 5

  • Виктория Конанчук

    Виктория Конанчук


    I would like to write a review about the Flamingo zone. It can be seen that a lot of money was thrown into this zone, but ... And now in order, booked, we stopped for August 9th. The air conditioner was turned on, and water ran from it, to the split box, and then to the switch. They called the manager guy. He replied that they would be eliminated within an hour. Not eliminated until 8 pm (stopped at 12 noon), until they raised a scandal. I asked if someone would be electrocuted, then what? And this manager answered me, well, I'll kill it, and in general it has been flowing for a long time and no one has complained, and we could simply not turn on the Conder. Further, they did not want to stay, they turned to the administration, the girl in a boorish uniform replied that she would not return the money. Live on this prepayment and then leave. In the room in the evening it smelled unbearably from the bathroom, apparently the sewerage system. The pool is not possible to visit, they just add bleach from which it hurts your eyes. But that's not all. There are tables next to the rooms, so these tables are also rented out and taken as an entrance to everyone who wishes. 2,500 for entry per person and 5,000 for table rent. By the evening there were so many people that it was scary to go out into the street, people were almost sitting on each other's heads, and this was at the time of a pandemic !!! In general, we have not heard about safety and health in this zone. I don’t know whose it is, but I’m not afraid of the police or the admins. The beach cannot be called a beach either. Worst place to stay, not advise.

  • Гульдана Мукаш

    Гульдана Мукаш


    The administrator is rude, boorish, not a well-mannered woman, and the same staff do not know how to talk to people. The rooms are dirty and stink. The pool is not cleaned, dirty, one continuous bleach. There are reeds, stones on the beach, it stinks. There are very few sun beds. Prepayment is taken 50%, but the living conditions do not say. And they do not return the money. The prices are heavenly. The kitchen is dumb, they don't cook deliciously, they don't know how to cook at all.

  • Наталья Синицына

    Наталья Синицына


    The rooms are clean. The administrator always goes to a meeting. Any questions are resolved immediately. Swimming in the lake is not allowed - the bottom is made of sharp stones and shallow. But there is a pool. Wishes - something to solve with food. Did not like. Upon arrival, we decided to have lunch on the spot. It's not tasty. Each dish was prepared in turn, while the fourth was waiting, the first had already finished eating. Unacceptable, especially considering the prices for the dish. Therefore, later we ate already in the city

  • Ольга Дворникова

    Ольга Дворникова


    Nice recreation area in the town of Balkhash. Rooms are clean, owners are helpful, for an extra charge they will feed you very tasty food.

  • Veerappan Sharma

    Veerappan Sharma



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