Gostinitsa Astana Art Otel' в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанGostinitsa Astana Art Otel'


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42, Zheltoqsan Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 38 34 20
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1791436, Longitude: 71.4133343

Комментарии 5

  • Айнагуль Касимова

    Айнагуль Касимова


    Convenient location. Cleanliness in the rooms. The only negative is that there are no slippers in the rooms. It seems elementary and is everywhere. You also need to pay for slippers. And the staff is very polite.

  • Vladimir Tyulin

    Vladimir Tyulin


    Hello, I bought a service for living in a department in which the price is 11250 tenge + breakfast is included! since I am a very busy person, a lot of work, no time! I specially found an offer for Booking a hotel with breakfast, checked into the hotel, ArtAstsna on October 30, 2021, made a payment by bank transfer via QR, asked at the reception, breakfast is exactly included, to which I received an affirmative answer "Yes". In the morning, waking up at 8:00 am I called the Reception, I asked when there would be breakfast, they answered me, there is no breakfast on weekends, I think it was cheating The amount that was taken from me for living, it included breakfast! Living conditions are not true! I had to go to a cafe in rainy weather, have breakfast there, it's not only about money, it took a LOT of time, the meeting fell through, due to the fact that the taxi driver got stuck in a traffic jam! Unfair hotel. Hello, I purchased a hotel accommodation service in which the price is 11250 tenge and breakfast is included, the ArtAstana hotel made a payment by bank transfer via QR on October 30, 2021, asked at the reception, is breakfast included? answered in the affirmative, included in the amount according to the Booking promotion. In the morning they did not give breakfast, they said that there would be no breakfast! the conditions of the promotion do not correspond to the current ones!

  • руслан аушахманов

    руслан аушахманов


    The receptionist is very polite! Standard room (7000 ₸ per night) is close to luxury in quality. In the room: refrigerator, cable TV, shower / toilet (with everything you need), air conditioning, balcony There is a summer cafe on the street at the entrance The kebab is excellent!

  • Forrest Herschelman

    Forrest Herschelman


    I had the pleasure of recently visiting the ArtAstana Hotel. It's an impressive facility with modern designs in mature neighborhood. Conveniently located about 10-15 minutes by car from the city center this hotel offers access to the downtown for tourists and business. The property is exceptionally clean and has modern amenities. Best of all the food in the restaurant is tasty and affordable. Other highlights include sauna, concierge, WI-Fi, Security and lounge. Ask the 5th floor if you are celebrating or need extra space, while other rooms are also spacious and appropriate for brief visits or if you are seeking the best value for your money in town.

  • Under Taker

    Under Taker


    Best offer in Astana for few days stay

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