Hospital №2 в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанHospital №2



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6, Turar Ryskulov Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 57 72 45
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.0842669, Longitude: 71.4092484

Комментарии 5

  • Nazgul Alimova

    Nazgul Alimova


    I am very grateful to the otolaryngology department. Thank you to all the doctors and nurses. Ermek Yelemesovich, Batyr, Zhasulan. I wish you good health.

  • Nazigul Rysbekova

    Nazigul Rysbekova


    I would like to thank the doctors of the 2nd City Hospital of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery. Doctors from God! Aigul Kairatovna. Islam Kalymkhanovich and special thanks to Alexey Viktorovich Smolensky, with his light hand they survived heart surgery. Aigul Kairatovna Islam Kalymkhanovich you are doctors, our angels, who if only not you!?. You, only you! highly qualified people slept my mom's life, sure and a thousand others. Allah protects you !!!. Your profession is commendable.

  • Гульшат Сактаганова

    Гульшат Сактаганова


    Terrible physicians on duty, very rude, talk favorably. I lay in the emergency room for 5 hours, the doctor did not come, then the tests were waiting for a long time, then the doctor went to dinner, then she went to look at another patient, in the end I left. The truth came up to me between times, until the tests were ready, she spoke very rudely. Small in stature, young. It was on September 4, they brought me to the scene at 16.00, and left at 21.00. the doctor never examined. And the main thing is not to say anything, the nurse in the emergency room says that the therapist is alone on duty, and it is better not to argue with her. Terrible attitude

  • Оксана Решеткина

    Оксана Решеткина


    I want to express my HUGE THANKS to the surgeons and the gynecological department! You saved my life! Low bow to you! The ambulance brought me with an attack, it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy. The doctors and nurses on duty in the emergency room urgently accepted and did everything necessary for my hospitalization. Before I knew it, I ended up on the operating table. The operation was difficult, but Thank God, thanks to highly qualified doctors, everything went well. Tomorrow they are already preparing me for discharge. Unfortunately, I cannot list all the names to personally thank everyone, but I can say that the entire department is worthy of praise. A wonderful manager, competent, attentive, caring doctors who save dozens of women every day, nurses who are always there and ready to help at any moment, caring nurses, and of course the food itself pleased. Everything was deliciously prepared by the chefs. I even refused to "transfer" from home. I am glad that during this difficult period these people were next to me. Low bow to you! Good health and prosperity in everything! Take care of yourself! We need you! With great respect, Oksana Reshetkina

  • Diana Bayburina

    Diana Bayburina


    I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the hospital staff. And especially the department of gynecology. The staff is understanding, responsive, always supportive. With all my heart I say THANK YOU to Ruslan Bekbolatovich Tultaev, despite my difficult diagnosis and situation, everything was done professionally. I wish you all prosperity in your career and, of course, great health.

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