National Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation в Nur-Sultan

КазахстанNational Scientific Center for Oncology and Transplantation



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3, Kerey and Zhanibek Khans Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7172 70 29 11
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1179735, Longitude: 71.4068521

Комментарии 5

  • иван иванов

    иван иванов


    The operation on the knee joint was disgusting for my wife, three months have passed since the operation, there is no relief, the MRI showed that nothing had been done. They only beg for money, they come in several times, you would treat as much as you ask for money I do not recommend this place to anyone 👎

  • Наталья Новик

    Наталья Новик


    Huge gratitude to the doctors of the NSCOT and gratitude to the junior staff, in the department of Hemotologists, my son underwent several courses of chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation, from our family gratitude and the best wishes to ideally kind-hearted doctors, high-level specialists, as well as a separate gratitude to Vadim Matveyevich Kemikin. Thank you for your invaluable care in working with each patient.

  • Дина Кубегенова

    Дина Кубегенова


    Where there are free departments, doctors in the paid department do not look at them irresponsibly 😏 it is the doctors of the vascular department who are irresponsible or advise to go there for treatment, wasting time and money.

  • Елизавета Гилёва

    Елизавета Гилёва


    Hello! I am writing to you to express my gratitude to the staff of the NNOC. To my husband in 2019. A diagnosis of pseudomyxoma of the abdominal cavity was made, in Karaganda they said that it was not operable. When we got to the doctor Altai Kuanyshbekovich Kerimkulov at the NSC, the disease was very advanced, but the surgeon A.K. Kerimkulov. took up treatment. On March 3, 2021, Sugabaker's cytoreductive surgery took place. The doctors did a great job. Unfortunately, I cannot name all the doctors out of ignorance, but this is a well-coordinated team of anesthesiologists, resuscitators, nurses headed by the head of Umetzhanov Erlan Orynbaevich. They fought for the patient's life for over 10 hours. Then my husband spent in intensive care under the careful supervision of honey. personnel for almost 10 days, of which 5 days under mechanical ventilation. Further, he was transferred to the department of multidisciplinary surgery, where he was also under the supervision of surgeons and nurses around the clock, headed by the head of Talgat Aitpaevich Uskenbaev. All health workers are very sensitive, attentive people and great professionals in their field. Our doctor, Altai Kuanyshbekovich, who led us from the first consultation, is a very competent specialist, sensitive and attentive person, and for a doctor this is a very important quality. Yesterday my husband returned home, of course we still have a long rehabilitation, but most importantly, Andrey is alive! THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL STAFF FOR YOUR SELF-DEPENDENT WORK!

  • Гулжайна Байгараева

    Гулжайна Байгараева


    NNCOT kidney transpotology, urologist surgeon Asykbayev Mels Nurseitovich would like to thank the doctor. My husband's two kidneys failed and we came to this doctor for a transplant. He did his best when he was in trouble. Whenever he was on the bell, he would not leave us unanswered, even if he was tired after an operation. He is a very competent and honest professional. Although he is young, he is very knowledgeable and has a lot of responsibilities. Unfortunately, my husband was not transplanted due to the condition of the donor. It is also the name of this doctor Asykbayev MN Thanks to his knowledge, he noticed a negative situation. If we can, we will come back for treatment. May the light of God shine on many of our faithful doctors.

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