Meyrim в Nur-Sultan




🕗 время открытия

1, Syganak Street, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 701 217 5904
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1268736, Longitude: 71.4083557

Комментарии 5

  • Ani Fox

    Ani Fox


    Awful, the site has information that the results of PCR are issued without increasing the cost in 4 hours, the tests are received until 17.00. It turns out that the results are given in 4 hours if the test is passed before 13.00, and if after 13.00 the next day after 16.00. It turns out that I passed the test at 13.30, and I will get the results in more than a day. The official page of the center is silent about this.

  • Balbota Karimova

    Balbota Karimova


    Received PCR quickly

  • Yerzhan Doldayev

    Yerzhan Doldayev


    Here I am in the medical center Meirim for the first time and sraeu I got into such a situation! When I called the call center, I answered Aisulu by name on the account (fgds), she said the price is 4500 tenge. Upon arrival, I find out at the checkout, I find out the price of 7000tg, and of course I start to be indignant. At this time, Zhibek Serikovna, a coordinator doctor, comes to me and says that two weeks ago the price was raised by 7000tg and then I ask why I have to suffer, and she answers we have to do with it, it's the head call center to blame !!! We will understand the recording and listen to speak. And ten minutes later he received an entry on his phone and she was convinced that I was right !!! And after that I say who will apologize and after that she seemed to apologize !!! The attitude to clients is such that they rip off more money while I figured it out the wife went to take (fgds) and come to the cashier with some kind of piece of paper and she was told not to swallow the hose twice, they made her another biopsy for which she had to pay 5000tg additionally and this without the knowledge of the doctor (biopsy is needed or not needed, we do not know the moment she hasn’t been to the doctor yet, so if without a biopsy we will cost 5000tg down the drain !!!) At the reception, the database seems to work incorrectly because when I stood next to and wrote a review, some people complained that they came in a referral for free and they were told they still have to pay will be and without the original had to pay not to go there. I, too, due to the fact that my wife was very sick, I agreed, and so I was looking for a better option !!! Therefore, I don’t know which doctor I’ll get, but there’s no service here, and next time I’m not here and I advise everyone to look for another medical center !!! And we ate more supplements from the gastrenologist as if we are not in a private clinic but in an ordinary clinic (although we pay 5000tg for an examination), a neurologist is written on the door (126), she seems to be working until lunchtime, after lunch a gastrenologist comes to this place and with an inscription on the door (126) a neurologist, yes a complete mess. Although they could write two different doctors indicating the time, a trifle but unpleasant !!! I think so after my recall, the administration will take action !!! Best regards Yerzhan !!!

  • Ainur Satkhankyzy

    Ainur Satkhankyzy


    Was at the reception of Viktor Tsurankov, conducted research on the patency of the fallopian tubes - Hysterosalpingography. I would like to express my gratitude for the painless procedure and attitude. I expected the worst, but was very surprised at the absence of pain and discomfort. Highly recommend.

  • Асхат Байсултанов

    Асхат Байсултанов


    Great clinic! Kind staff! I thank the therapist Aikerim Kanatovna! Professional in his field! I performed an operation here! I would like to thank all the doctors, nurses, cooks and the surgical staff for their sincere care and kindness! Bow to you doctors!

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