World-Med в Nur-Sultan



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11, Qabanbay Batyr Avenue, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 51.1401943, Longitude: 71.4152427

Комментарии 5

  • Sa Akira

    Sa Akira


    I think sheer deception, swindlers. People do not give in, it is a disgrace to the country. We suckers believe. Incompetent ignoramuses work there.

  • Анатолий Василенко

    Анатолий Василенко


    I got a call from this center and was invited to a dietitian for the first free visit to the doctor. I did not refuse, because I have had some problems with being overweight for a long time. I made an appointment, the next day I arrived at the medical center at Markov 75, and went to the doctor. He talked with me, examined, and gave a program according to which I need to study and eat right. After a couple of weeks, the first result was minus 10 kilograms, which I am very pleased with.

  • Elvira Zhetenova

    Elvira Zhetenova


    Here they are trying to fraudulently push off an expensive procedure (subscription for a year)

  • Айнура Ибраева

    Айнура Ибраева


    I signed up for a facial cleansing, which they call a "detox program." The recording was only 2 weeks later in the salon located in Highville at 19.00 h. I arrived in advance 20 minutes before the start of the procedure. To which the girl from the reception replied that the entry to the salon in Triumph and I need to go there. I went to Triumph. Because of all the traffic jams, I got there at 7.30 p.m. The girl who was supposed to carry out the procedure said that she had a working day until 20.00, so she would make me a mask. The fact that this is their internal error and looking at the fact that I spent time because of their error is nothing. Naturally, I refused the mask. I do not plan to use the services of this salon. Draw your own conclusions.

  • Алия Чамчиева

    Алия Чамчиева


    The attitude to clients of cosmetology is 3 points. It is impossible to register with a cosmetologist for a procedure, they constantly answer that there is no “specialist” free time. In general, they promise 80 procedures with a discount certificate, but all of them are unrealistic to go through because they refuse in this way. cheating

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