KazPost в Aktas




🕗 время открытия

16, Ulitsa Pervomayskaya, 100000, Aktas, Bukhar-Zhyrau District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.7761743, Longitude: 72.9601142

Комментарии 5

  • Артур Иохим

    Артур Иохим


    Forever closed.

  • Olga Ogonek

    Olga Ogonek


    personally, everything suits me at this time. We fixed the problem with the visor, changed the doors. One drawback was that one operator was sitting, it was hard for her, but I looked for help. Thank! Thanks to our operators that they still tolerate us, not all customers come with a mood, but this also affects them. God bless the operators of health, success in work and in personal life. We are all human beings and we must understand each other. In any case, respect the work of our operators. I often go to the post office, and there wasn’t one that answered rudely or even looked poorly. I am happy with the Aktas mail service! Who writes that poor service, these are the people who create the discomfort in the mail. Operators serve well. And you people be kinder and good will come to you. Good conquers evil. Be always good and good will reign in your families. Try it and you will be surprised, it works! Sow people good and it will certainly return to you !!! I wish you all health, happiness and all the best, dear !!!! and all !!!! 🌺🌺🌺

  • Olga Khan

    Olga Khan


    Finally, mend the visor, until it falls on anyone's head. It’s scary to go.

  • Дмитрий IXTYS

    Дмитрий IXTYS


    Not very comfortable room. The entrance also leaves much to be desired - not equipped for the disabled. Two operators and not always both at work. It takes a very long time to wait. There are no complaints against mail workers; this is an oversight of the Kazpost management. Draconian rates and commission fees. It is better to look for an alternative to visiting the post office, if possible. Well, if this is not possible, then be patient!

  • Mac2s



    Constantly cursing with this mail, then they have lunch, then they don’t want to watch the package saying that the time until the end of the day’s slave is 10 minutes, they are always rude, you can ask, they go into the queue, there is a queue, we are already closing))) circus a not mail

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