Поликлиника #2 в Karagandy

КазахстанПоликлиника #2



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V3XP+7JM, Karagandy 100000, Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7212 56 16 90
Веб-сайт: www.gcpmsp.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 49.8982019, Longitude: 73.0865462

Комментарии 5

  • Ирина Шуберт

    Ирина Шуберт


    Sorry, but I have never seen such a mess and bureaucracy. It feels like we don't come to doctors, but to secretaries for a certificate ... And we can't get that)))

  • Ольга Николаевна Ковалевская

    Ольга Николаевна Ковалевская


    I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the way the nurse talks to the patients in the physiotherapy room! It is worth noting that people turn to the hospital for help and expect the correct diagnoses and correct treatment from the doctors, and at least care and understanding from the nurses !! My mother does not go to the hospital once again, because there is always no time for this and does not want to disturb me once again. Yesterday we went to the surgeon and met a kind doctor who is a competent doctor, but also a very kind girl! But yesterday and today, having entered the physiotherapy room, we were faced with rudeness !!! Maybe the nurse didn't have a good morning or yesterday was the end of the day, but it doesn't matter !!!! I think that the comments will be taken into account and we will no longer see such an attitude and will not hear: "Yes, everything is busy, go out, get free and call!" or “And why did they come in, did they call you? So what, what was released! The nurse is out! Well, come on in !! ”, every phrase sounded rude !! After the remark, the person immediately changed and I ask myself the question: “Shouldn't intelligent and well-mannered people work in medicine, who have a big and kind heart, who, despite fatigue, should always meet the patient with a smile in order to instill in him hope and faith in our medicine!? ... " Thank you for understanding!!! I wish you success in your hard work, but very noble !!!!

  • Victor Petrov

    Victor Petrov


    Even by appointment, do not go to the doctor on time. Why is there a record then?

  • Юлия Мурашова

    Юлия Мурашова


    My favorite clinic, good staff, everything can be done on the spot, I get the medicine for free

  • Margo M

    Margo M


    I didn't get through the reception, it's awful

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