Poliklinika 4 в Petropavl

КазахстанPoliklinika 4


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34, Ulitsa Shukhova, 150000, Petropavl, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7152 62 54 44
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.9026645, Longitude: 69.1508598

Комментарии 5

  • Анастасия Еленова

    Анастасия Еленова


    You will die faster than calling you (((((and if you do call, then the girls from the registry give incorrect information.

  • Анна Сапожник

    Анна Сапожник


    The barmaid was inadequate, she yelled for the fact that in the morning I wanted to buy a mask for a 5,000 dollar bill, I offered her to buy something else, so it only added more fuel to the fire, she screamed so that the whole hospital seemed to hear, the woman was sitting well next to her ate and offered her new mask, I went out, she still continued to yell that she had only 1000 at the box office, and I’m already giving her 5 thousand, I didn’t swear or be rude to her in return, I thanked the woman who was sitting next to me and left. I am very ashamed of such a staff, after all, I asked her if you can buy a five-thousandth one, why humiliate me so much for that, I didn’t say anything bad to her, I was very upset, it was insulting to tears.

  • m o l d o v a

    m o l d o v a


    It was necessary to donate blood from a vein, sent to the fourth floor in the morning before 8:45, got out of work came 8:40 no one, waited down to 311kb they "why are you late?" to you and again "why are you late", to me and you still explain? I say, he is "late and still swearing." I wanted to leave, I thought I’d take it out now and I was crawling with a needle in my vein while taking blood, now I’ve never had a bruise on the floor of my arm.

  • Ева Козинская

    Ева Козинская


    Just a terrible polyclinic, a terrible attitude towards patients! Why register in the hospital, if it makes no sense .. you go to see a therapist for free, there are no places for a fee, at least at the same second, come in, what kind of horror is this? The conclusion of the therapist to make you thrown from office to office ... Better to go to a private clinic and hand over everything there, no nerves, no psychos, but reliable!

  • Darya Chetverikova

    Darya Chetverikova


    Disgusting attitude towards patients. The neurologist Volodin, hung with diplomas, did not want to give a referral for an MRI for 2.5 months, referring to the fact that I know what I am treating for. As a result, three times during this time he prescribed treatment (not quite cheap by the way), in fact he just stupidly brought me to a state where my entire lower body refused. An urgent MRI scan in Astana showed a serious pathology of the spinal cord. And the fact that a lot of time is wasted. Who will be responsible for this? Mr. Volodin said it happens.

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