Oblastnoy Perinatal'nyy Tsentr в Petropavl

КазахстанOblastnoy Perinatal'nyy Tsentr



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Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
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Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
233, Ulitsa Kazakhstanskoy Pravdy, 150000, Petropavl, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7152 42 18 97
Веб-сайт: www.opc.sko.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.8891066, Longitude: 69.138769

Комментарии 5

  • Тамара Добашинскайте

    Тамара Добашинскайте


    Born in May. The staff does not like horns from women in labor and importunity, an obstetrician and doctors came to the birth, medical staff, when the head was about to come out, half of the attempts were alone, she shouted to them, no one came up

  • Alina Izer

    Alina Izer


    Gave birth to a daughter 10 months ago. She gave birth for the first time, the midwife helped to say when to breathe. I went to the preparation for childbirth, they spent everything there in the hospital, they explained everything. When to breathe, how to give birth, etc. In quarantine, I read a lot of comments, it was very scary. But when she gave birth, everything was fine, all the wards were under video surveillance. Of course there are bitches everywhere, but I was not alone. We all stayed there for 1.5 days, a fee of 4 people. All gave birth normally and only one girl had pritenzii who managed to quarrel with everyone. Girls advice take bed linen with you. And 2 meters of cotton fabric. If you tear, cut the fabric 20 by 20 and you will underlay. And if you don't tear it, it will come in handy for cleaning at home. BECAUSE, 4 people from the ward of 5 tore, and it is better not to use ordinary gaskets, because the seams will open and tear. It will not be nice and not beautiful.

  • милания фролова

    милания фролова


    I was born there in 2006. Thank you, but I didn't really like the consequences

  • inkar dastankyzy2017

    inkar dastankyzy2017


    I gave birth in 2020 in April. How they gave birth is generally .. Since I gave birth for the first time myself, I did not know how. They were there and swore in such words so that I would not scream this is tough! I wanted to write a request, but restrained myself. This year I am going to give birth again, but I will not tolerate this! It's a pity that such a sediment remained from the first birth ..

  • Айнура Жуманова

    Айнура Жуманова


    She was in pathology. They sent me for an operation. She gave birth to a son. The staff are very polite. From nurses to doctors and managers themselves. Health to all of you. !!

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