Oblastnaya Bol'nitsa в Petropavl

КазахстанOblastnaya Bol'nitsa



🕗 время открытия

2, Ulitsa Buketova, 150000, Petropavl, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 7152 50 09 68
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.8751836, Longitude: 69.1262179

Комментарии 5

  • Alima Ahmetova

    Alima Ahmetova


    Terrible staff, rude. It could have been more polite.

  • Алия Гапуржанова

    Алия Гапуржанова


    Hello, I Gapurzhanova Aliya was admitted to the infectious diseases department, on the 4th floor, in an extremely serious condition, covid plus two sides of pneumonia, very wonderful medical staff, very professional doctors, I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Botagoz Magzhanovna Suleimenova, all the doctors on duty, wonderful nurses, kind, nurses, for their hard work, attention, for saving so many lives, putting them on their feet, thank you very much, strength, health, success in this difficult struggle!

  • Abeke *

    Abeke *


    Against the will of fate, he ended up in the surgical department. The chief surgeon himself received the surgery, but the surgeon Karimov operated. An excellent specialist, responsible, I want to say thank you and a deep bow to you. If not for you, then perhaps I would not write this review now ...

  • Айгерим Кайданова

    Айгерим Кайданова


    Our father had a pre-infarction condition, he was admitted to the KVI department. On February 21st, the PCR was negative, on February 25th they showed TIPO positive. Doctor Poplavskaya V.V. treated it is not known what was eventually taken from the surgical department of the dead. The negligent attitude of the doctor led to death. Doctors only need a covid score. I wish the PVV doctor to experience the same as we do.

  • Житель Казахстана

    Житель Казахстана


    His father has a pre-stroke condition, he is put in pulminology ?! How much I donated for coronavirus was nowhere to be found, but then bam they revealed TIPO. The attendant does not take the phone on the Internet, the left non-existent number, the doctors do not give the number SECRET AGENTS en I am generally shocked by our medicine, not the hospital, but the FUNERAL OFFICE. For the sake of coronavirus indicators, they are ready to kill a person, doctors do not have a culture of communication. Take note of the manual, if you kill me, I won't leave it that way.

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