Deya в Petropavl




🕗 время открытия

3-76, Ulitsa Sovetskaya, 150000, Petropavl, Kyzylzhar District, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 54.8734661, Longitude: 69.1294568

Комментарии 5

  • Наталья Орлова

    Наталья Орлова


    The first appointment with a doctor is 4 thousand repeated -2.500. Blood from a vein is also taken for a fee.

  • DIKU




  • Зоя Клеева

    Зоя Клеева


    How many times did I promise not to go there, and yesterday I went again, because I had to urgently do an ultrasound on the child, and everything was busy everywhere, the wrong times were wrongly diagnosed last time, but this time the staff struck me, she carried plastic glasses to the cooler for water and dropped them on the floor, well, nothing that they swept through the entire corridor along which we walk in shoes, picked it up and put it near the water - drink dear customers, everything is for you! Itself, I suppose, will come with a new glass. In short, this visit was definitely the last one, no more there.

  • Татьяна Демьянова

    Татьяна Демьянова


    For the third time in my life I had to turn to Dey on Buketov, since there was no record anywhere, but urgency was pressing. I thought that since there was, at least something has changed for the better. It turned out, no. Extremely narrow narrow corridors crowded with sick people, standing for an hour and a half in line to specialists. In general, this is a small stuffy room, absolutely not intended for a medical center. Was recorded at 11.30 am went to the reception at 12.30. Appealed to the nurse at the reception, but the girl only spread in a blissful smile with a request to wait. But after all, this situation is not the first year, the center’s management can go there at any time and be convinced of this, the reviews here, which the head of the clinic, I see, see, eloquently speak about the work of the administrative staff of the center. However, we must pay tribute, in the medical center there are good specialists. So, I would like in particular to note the correct approach Golovina OM and Astanina I.Yu. It is a pity that if there are such competent specialists, the administrative work of the clinic is zero, which damages its reputation.

  • Сауле Шайпина

    Сауле Шайпина


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