IMPROFF i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9, Alexander Pushkin Street, 020000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 48 76 69
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.1578824, Longitude: 71.4596053

kommentar 5

  • Сая Алимбетов

    Сая Алимбетов


    Very effective dentistry. Yerganat Shaigali uly is such a good doctor, he knows his profession very well. He treated both teeth very well. Now my family and I go only to this dentist.

  • Жусупова Айгерим

    Жусупова Айгерим


    The schedule before 22.00 is indicated, I called at 19.58 asked if I could make an appointment, answered that the doctor was at the reception, 1 hour was calculated for 1 hour, at 21.00 a doctor would be released, and maybe half an hour later, but they refused to record me at 21.00! Question to the administration of the clinic: it may be worth changing the schedule of work indicated, once the reception is conducted until 21.00?

  • Татьяна Жевнина

    Татьяна Жевнина


    Very good specialists. High-quality service delivery. I have never regretted that I turned to this particular clinic.

  • Багиля К

    Багиля К


    Cozy clinic. Friendly staff, everything is clean and tidy in the clinic. Everything went painlessly and nerves. The seal is still standing

  • Masterchef. ru

    Masterchef. ru


    Everything is fine, it went through, a comprehensive brushing, whitening, tooth extraction, it does not hurt. Recommend!

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