Stomatologiya Rakhat Nur-Sultan, Detskiy Stomatolog, Zuby, Otbelivaniye, Brekety, Viniry, Implatny, Tseny, Otzyvy i Nur-Sultan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanStomatologiya Rakhat Nur-Sultan, Detskiy Stomatolog, Zuby, Otbelivaniye, Brekety, Viniry, Implatny, Tseny, Otzyvy



🕗 åbningstider

17, Amangeldi Imanov Street, 010000, Nur-Sultan, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7172 42 06 06
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.1642379, Longitude: 71.4390258

kommentar 5

  • alma salde

    alma salde


    I really want to thank the doctor Sania, she has been treating almost the whole family for several years now. Impeccable quality and jewelry work at the highest level! Thank you Sanyusha, you have golden hands!

  • Секе Бесик

    Секе Бесик


    Unqualified clinic, We were afraid to take on a difficult removal, I do not recommend

  • Ccc Bbb

    Ccc Bbb


    Clinic with excellent service and friendly staff. Everything is clean and tidy. I decided to go to this dentistry, as it is next to the house, and did not regret it. Having applied once, I decided to install the same implants with them. Askhat Samatovich was recommended to me. A very polite young doctor, he does everything scrupulously and accurately. I was very afraid, but everything went well. Installed two implants at once. Everything went painlessly. There were no complications. We are now waiting for the implants to take root. Who is interested, I recommend Askhat Samatovich. A good specialist, doctor.

  • Алмагуль Хаирова

    Алмагуль Хаирова


    For many years now I have been using the services of your clinic for the first time I want to thank and advise Dr. Lyazzat Esmagambetovna a professional, very attentive, loving her work.

  • Айс МАК

    Айс МАК


    It's a pity to put even one star there is no service. Specialist Anar had to register and did not. As a result, I had to swear because of the queue because they came at the same time. Everything is done with a big favor. Doctors have only money on their minds. And as soon as they receive their interest there is no longer any. left a small child at home talking about, but zero emotions didn’t touch the staff, on the contrary, shove someone else in the x-ray line. I do not recommend this place to anyone since there are much more worthy places in the city

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