Kazpochta. Tsentral'nyy Operatsionnyy Uchastok Zkof i Uralsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanKazpochta. Tsentral'nyy Operatsionnyy Uchastok Zkof



🕗 åbningstider

104/1, Kasym Amanzholov Street, 090000, Uralsk, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7112 51 29 79
internet side: tcou.business.site
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Latitude: 51.202817, Longitude: 51.373499

kommentar 5

  • Николай Лёвин

    Николай Лёвин


    One thing is that the service is also bad and the parcels are stolen and given to other people

  • Оля Тарасова

    Оля Тарасова


    They don't pick up the phone, they drop

  • Irina Shvets

    Irina Shvets


    It is not possible to get through from the word AT ALL! If the main department works like that, what to ask from the district offices ??? Disgusting attitude towards people! It's time for him to write a complaint about Kazpost in Uralsk!

  • жаслан кашкинбаев

    жаслан кашкинбаев


    They never took the phone. What for then they write if they do not take it. Delete

  • Руслана Текина

    Руслана Текина


    The post offices are working awful. I called the Central Kazpost for the second day, but no one picks up the phone. What kind of attitude to work? Why are the rates for sending parcels at the post offices different? Where to find rates

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