Казпочта. Почтовое отделение №5 ЗКОФ i Uralsk

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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KasakhstanКазпочта. Почтовое отделение №5 ЗКОФ



🕗 åbningstider

113/1, Gagarin Street, Uralsk, Terekti District, KZ Kazakhstan
kontakter telefon: +7 7112 28 22 69
internet side: www.kazpost.kz
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.2356684, Longitude: 51.4503721

kommentar 5

  • Сергей Феоктистов

    Сергей Феоктистов


    Terrible branch, it is very problematic to receive parcels. That there is no government for them

  • Mr_KiLLaURa Channel

    Mr_KiLLaURa Channel


    Too long service, sometimes there is not enough staff at all and only one works for everyone. To pick up some small parcel, you need to sit out all your life - and it's not a fact that they will find it for you the first time.

  • Сергей Калмыков

    Сергей Калмыков


    The site says until 7 work, but in fact, they close at 6. Came 17:55 did not give the parcel, they said that they were already closed, and moreover they said it very boldly. Boors

  • anzhela akulova

    anzhela akulova


    Terrible service: always lunch, technical problems all the time, you don't pick up the phone, you don't serve pensioners, you don't give to pick up parcels, always closed. You don't want to work at all.

  • Oksana Khamitova

    Oksana Khamitova


    Disgusting service. It takes a very long time. 1 person in 20-30 minutes. Not so much to the people as a long service. It’s so permanent here. It was before quarantine. Change staff

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