Қалалық балалар ауруханасы в Qostanaý

КазахстанҚалалық балалар ауруханасы



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23А, Leonid Beda Street, 110000, Qostanaý, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7
Веб-сайт: kodb.kz
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2020669, Longitude: 63.6206437

Комментарии 5

  • Мария Аспан

    Мария Аспан


    Dear leadership of the Kostanay regional health care! Buy normal mattresses, lying with my daughter 25 years ago, now with a grandson, and the same rags on the board, instead of a bed and mattresses. This is not a hospital, this is a concentration camp! There are twos and threes in a stuffy little tent designed for one patient! What kind of adults, if we cannot build a normal infectious diseases hospital for our children !!!! There are a lot of patients, the wards are not intended for two or three patients, and also for mothers! One small bunk, or rather a board with a rag instead of a mattress! There are no complaints about the medical staff! They are the same here as elsewhere in our country! Thank you for even having doctors and thanks for that! But a new hospital needs to be built!

  • Nfng thttlq

    Nfng thttlq


    Broke the vertebra and several times the collarbone, like a living one, 5 stars

  • Yaros666 Kokorin

    Yaros666 Kokorin


    We were in the infectious diseases ward, the child had a sore throat (croup), everything was punctured, although it’s impossible, because something is stress for the throat and it gets even worse! There are no conditions for treatment, lay in the procedure! They threatened the police and said that they would take the child away when they wanted to be discharged for home treatment, which could be fatal for the child. They don’t know how to heal and even get injections from 10 times!

  • Александра Хуснутдинова

    Александра Хуснутдинова


    Hospital horror! Ward without quartz! No quartz lamp! But the nurse comes and drives it to the quartz, you tell her there is no quartz, why should the light be on for me [notification about quartz🙄] nonsense .. Attempts to say that the chamber does not quartz to zero does not reach the staff. Who am I supposed to do this? The staff is rude! The nurses walk and groan as if you were lying with a sick child at her house! Of course, there is a good medical staff, but only a few! And yes, I'm a nurse on maternity leave! Can I treat the child myself and not go anywhere? Since there are some excuses, well, you are a nurse, you should know! Firstly, I'm not in the role of an employee here! And if I want an explanation, you will be so kind as to explain

  • Наташа Храпач

    Наташа Храпач


    I want to thank Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Kostenko, head of the rehabilitation department! Thanks to the efforts of Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, our department is annually replenished with various special equipment for children with cerebral palsy. Tatyana Vyacheslavovna managed to assemble a very qualified and competent team! All rehabilitation staff are kind and sensitive people !!! Many thanks and deep bow to the whole team for your hard work, sincerity and love for our children. I wish you good health and longevity, and prosperity to our department !!!

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