Zhemchuzhina Stomed Narimanovskaya в Kostanay

КазахстанZhemchuzhina Stomed Narimanovskaya



🕗 время открытия

54, Ulitsa Narimanovskaya, 110000, Kostanay, KZ Kazakhstan
контакты телефон: +7 707 550 6141
Веб-сайт: jemchyjinastomed.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 53.2025442, Longitude: 63.6270064

Комментарии 5

  • Раиса Попова

    Раиса Попова


    Good afternoon! Within two months I had to go to the doctors Turemuratov T.S. (ENT). Thanks to the professionalism of the doctor, examinations were carried out and a diagnosis was made, the operation was successfully carried out in the regional hospital in the maxillofacial department by the doctor Baibulova Zh.B. A month ago, after many years of observation, Lee I.V. turned to the gynecologist. Despite the duration of the disease, concomitant diseases and age, Dr. Li YW conducted the necessary research, the operation at the highest professional level. Special thanks to the anesthesiologist N.V. Litvinova, gynecologist-oncologist N.F.Bazlova. Professionalism, friendliness, attention - all this thanks to the well-coordinated team of the surgical department. Thank you for your selfless work! I wish you all good health, success in your work, prosperity to your families.

  • Алена Аля

    Алена Аля


    Excellent service, pleasant staff, no queues, doctors are not rude, they serve politely

  • Elena Kuznetsova

    Elena Kuznetsova


    Extremely upset with the attitude. An SMS notification came with an invitation to pick up the analysis result (thyroid puncture). I waited 50 minutes. Nobody! The receptionist speaks in a mentoring tone. People don't value time. And then there was an advertisement above the administrator's desk about comfortable service! Until I went to find out in another registry, the case did not move off the ground. We gave the result. Read and understand yourself. A month ago I had an ultrasound scan at Sbitny's. During the inspection, not a word! The doctor thought the deaf-mute. The nurse gave the result. Fortunately, I'm a doctor myself, I figured it out. And if a person is not knowledgeable? Anxiously she came, anxiously left. Empathy, colleagues, has not been canceled.

  • Полина Фирсова

    Полина Фирсова


    I quarantined on October 12, spent 2 weeks at home, now, on October 26, I need to go to work. The doctor is obliged to see me on October 26! I called today since the morning, I could not get through !!!! And what I hear: "Should have called earlier, now on the waiting order from 8:00 to 16:00." At work, I somehow took time off for two hours. How to be? Disgusting ...

  • Johny Johnson

    Johny Johnson


    I liked it. The staff are well qualified. Of course it's quite expensive compare to municipal hospitals, however I am ready to pay a little bit extra for service .

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